Ventures of the Paypal Mafia

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A network of ties in Silicon Valley

The ‘Paypal Mafia’ was a term coined to describe the entrepreneurs behind the successful fintech startup. And the name stuck in the mythology of Silicon Valley.

But while people had heard of the Paypal Mafia, who were they exactly? And what does the name refer to?

This closely interconnected network appeared to have their fingerprints on every business in town. Reddit? Pinterest? AirBnB? They had a hand in all of them.

We wanted to create something that showed this – the number (and size) of the businesses they were involved in, and how this group of individuals were connected with each other and the different companies.

“Unravel[s] the complex connections between the group, laying out their relationships as a neat interwoven network”

Fast Company

“PayPal Mafia impact explored in hypnotic new interactive graphic”


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Venture Beat, The Next Web, Entrepreneur, Fast Company, and 196 more publications

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